Publication Ethics

Publication ethics

The editorial board of the journal "Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral", which is issued by the Odessa State Agrarian University, supports a certain level of requirements in the selection and acceptance of articles submitted to the editorial board of the journal. These standards are determined by the scientific areas of the journal, defined by the Certificate of State Registration, and the quality standards of scientific works and their submission, adopted by the scientific community.

In developing the provisions of the publishing policy of the journal the "Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral", the editors were guided by the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics – Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Code of Ethics of the Scientist of Ukraine and the experience of foreign and Ukrainian professional communities, scientific organizations and editorial boards of publications.

The editorial policy of the journal is based on the traditional ethical principles of Ukrainian scientific periodicals, supports the ethical standards of editors and publishers, as enshrined in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers (Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers) developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Compliance with the appropriate level of ethics in publications is declared at the level of "Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral", which highlights aspects of the ethical behavior of the editorial board, reviewers and authors.

These requirements establish the basic norms of behavior and responsibilities of members of any professional scientific community. They also ensure the right of each author to intellectual property. All persons involved in the publication process (editors, authors and reviewers) should be guided by the principles of ethics in scientific publications. The editorial board and reviewers of the journal "Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Region" without prejudice consider all the manuscripts submitted for publication, despite their racial, religious, national origin, and the academic degree and academic rank or place of work of the author/


Ethical obligations of the authors:


  1. The main responsibility of the author is to provide an accurate report on the study, as well as an objective discussion of its significance.
  2. Authors of articles bear all responsibility for the content of articles and for the fact of their publication. The editors of the journal do not bear any responsibility to the authors and/or third parties and organizations for possible damage caused by the publication of the article. The editors have the right to withdraw an already published article if it turns out that during the publication of the article someone’s rights or generally accepted norms of scientific ethics were violated. The editors inform the author, who submitted the article, recommending the organization where the work was done, the fact that the article was taken.
  3. Journal volume is a limited resource, therefore the author is obliged to use it wisely and economically.
  4. The initial report on the results of the study should be sufficiently complete and contain the necessary links to available sources of information so that specialists in this field can repeat this work.
  5. The author should cite publications that have had a decisive influence on the content of the work, are presented, as well as those that can quickly introduce the reader to earlier works that are essential for understanding this study. With the exception of inspections, citations of works that are not directly related to this post should be minimized. The author must conduct a literary search to find and cite original publications that describe studies that are closely related to this message. It is also necessary to properly indicate the sources of fundamentally important materials used in this work, if these materials were not obtained by the author himself.
  6. The manuscript clearly indicates any dangers and risks associated with ongoing research.
  7. Fragmentation of study reports should be avoided. A scientist who performs extensive research on a system or group of related systems should organize the publication so that each report gives a complete report on every aspect of the general study.
  8. In preparing the manuscript for publication, the author must inform the editor of the author’s related manuscripts submitted to the press or accepted for publication. Copies of these manuscripts must be submitted to the editor, and their relationship to the manuscript submitted for publication must be indicated.
  9. The author should not submit manuscripts describing essentially the same results to more than one journal in the form of an initial publication, unless this is a re-submission of the manuscript rejected or withdrawn by the author. Suppose to submit a manuscript of a full article, extends a previously published short preliminary report (message) about the same work. However, when submitting such a manuscript, the editor should be notified of an earlier message, and this preliminary message should be quoted in this manuscript.
  10. The author must explicitly indicate the sources of all cited or presented information, with the exception of well-known information. Information obtained privately, during a conversation, during correspondence or during discussion with third parties, should not be used or communicated in the author’s work without the explicit permission of the researcher from whom this information was obtained. Information obtained through the provision of confidential services, such as when reviewing manuscripts or projects submitted for grants, should be handled in the same way.
  11. Experimental or theoretical research can sometimes serve as the basis for criticizing the work of another researcher. Published articles, as appropriate, may contain similar criticism. Personal criticism, however, cannot be considered appropriate under any circumstances.
  12. The co-authors of the article should be all those people who have made significant scientific contributions to the work presented and who share responsibility for the results. Other contributions should be noted in the notes or in the “Acknowledgments” section. The administrative relationship with this study alone is not a basis for qualifying the person concerned as a co-author (but in some cases it may be appropriate to note significant administrative assistance in the work). Deceased persons who meet the criteria set forth above should be included in the list of authors, and the date of their death must be indicated in the note. Fake names cannot be specified as a participant or co-author. The author submitting the manuscript for publication is responsible for ensuring that all and only those who meet the criterion of authorship are included in the list of co-authors. In an article written by several authors, the authors who submit contact information, documents to the editor and correspond with the editors take responsibility for the consent of other authors of the article to be published in the journal.
  13. Authors should notify the editor of any potential conflict of interest, such as the consulting or financial interests of any company, which could be affected by the publication of the results contained in this manuscript. Authors must ensure that there are no contractual relationships or ownership considerations that could affect the publication of information contained in the submitted manuscript.
  14. The Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral adheres to the Open Access policy. Full-text, real-time access to scientific journal articles is available on the journal's official website. Electronic versions of articles are published on the site indefinitely and free of charge as soon as the issue is published.