
  • I. Moskaluk
  • S. Petrenko
  • K. Khamid
  • V. Purich



professional morbidity, pathologies, harmful anddangerous productive factors, productive traumatism, analysis, statistics.


In all countries of the world, as well as in Ukraine, occupational injuries are an urgent problem of modern society. The analysis of accidents at Ukrainian enterprises showed that there is a problem of developing modern methods of preventing injuries and occupational diseases prevention. The main objective of prevention of occupational diseases at enterprises in Ukraine is to create safe and healthy working conditions, and to preserve the health of workers. At each enterprise, the workers are constantly exposed to harmful and dangerous production factors. These factors negatively affect human health, which leads to a decrease in their ability to work. At the present time, there are accidents with fatal consequences on the Ukrainian factories, which indicates the unsatisfactory state of preventive work. The owner of an enterprise should objectively identify the real causes of an accident. This will provide a real opportunity for an effective search for ways to intensify preventive work and reduce injuries. Dangerous factors often lead to injuries, and harmful factors - to the disease. 80% of accidents at home and at work are observed for organizational reasons. In all countries of the world in the system of measures for the prevention of injuries, a significant role is devoted to the development and implementation of integrated approaches to labor safety. According to statistics from the International Labor Organization, more than 500 deaths in agriculture, industry and services are recorded worldwide every day. Annually more than 300 thousand workers receive occupational injuries and occupational diseases. Every three minutes, one worker dies as a result of an accident, and every four workers receive a work injury every second. Economic losses associated with occupational injuries around the world make up about 1% of the world's gross national product. One of the most traumatic industries is the agro-industrial complex, where mortal injuries are in percentage terms in crop production - 24% of the total number of injuries, livestock - 21%. The article presents the structure and frequency of the main forms of the diseases associated with the respiratory tract pathology in general in Ukraine, as well as diseases that arise under the influence of chemical factors, an analysis of occupational diseases at enterprises, depending on working conditions.


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How to Cite

Moskaluk, I., Petrenko, S., Khamid, K., & Purich, V. (2019). MODERN METHODS of PROPHYLAXIS AND RESEARCH ofPROFESSIONAL DISEASES, TRAUMATISM are With HEAVYCONSEQUENCES In AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (94), 166-176.