
  • D. Domushchi
  • P. Ustuyanov
  • Y. Enakiev
  • A. Lipin




traditional technology, zero technology, grain crops, harvesting machines, operating costs, complex fuel, energy costs, indicators, energy equivalent.


In agriculture, the components of production cycles are likely (stochastic) in nature. This is especially true for harvesting. The duration of this period depends on the weather conditions, the biology of plant development, the variety of culture, the composition of the soil, agro technical techniques, etc. In connection with this, there is a need for scientific and production searches for such forms of organization of the harvesting process that would allow harvesting in short agronomic terms and substantially reduce due to this loss. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the structure and composition of the technology of harvesting and transport complexes for different technologies of harvesting cereal crops by operational and energy indicators to reduce the material and energy costs of harvesting. To calculate the comparative estimation of energy costs of complex fuel and operating costs for different harvesting technologies of winter wheat, four technologies are considered: traditional technology - direct harvesting without straw shredding; traditional technology - separate harvesting; zero technology - the use of harvesting equipment of domestic production; Zero technology - the use of harvesting techniques imported production. For these technologies, according to the methodology of the latest scientific research, technological maps for the harvesting of winter wheat have been developed. A comparative analysis of operational and energy costs of harvesting winter wheat indicated that the least cost is zero technology using domestic production technology, and the most expensive is conventional technology with direct combine harvesting. The presented results of researches of various technologies of grain cereal harvesting according to the structure and composition of equipment of harvesting and transportation complexes indicated that reduction of operational and energy expenses is possible due to increase of productivity, reduction of book value and quantity of harvesting equipment in the composition of harvesting - transport complexes at performance of works in optimal agro technical terms with minimal crop losses.


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How to Cite

Domushchi, D., Ustuyanov, P., Enakiev, Y., & Lipin, A. (2019). EFFICIENCY OF USE OF GREEN-TRANSPORT COMPONENTS BY OPERATING AND ENERGY INDICATORS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (94), 121-130. https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2019.94.18