
  • A. Nohinska
  • О. Cheban
  • I. Fedorova



elective courses, intersubject elective courses, holders of Master’s degree of agrarian sciences, Universities, competency in professional ethics.


The problems of organisation and implementations of elective courses in the educational establishments have been analyzed. It was identified that among the key-competencies which must be embraced by a future professional, holder of Master’s degree in agrarian sciences, presents a competence in professional ethics. It is an indicator and at the same time an outcome of the personal and professional readiness of the specialist for the employment in the agrarian sphere. Ethical competence of the future specialist, holder of Master’s degree in agrarian sciences, represents main regulations of his actions, which are crystallized in his habits, traditions, life principles and professional activity, psychological states, deeds and professionally important qualities, and thus it ensures the conscious ethical choice in his behaviour according to the ethical norms of the profession.

The main functions of the elective course have been outlined, learning, cognitive, creative, integrative, individualized learning and socializing. The main aim of the implementation of the elective courses is satisfaction of the cognitive interest of the learners in various spheres of the human activity. The necessity of implementation of the elective courses for the professional training of future specialists, holder of Master’s degree in agrarian sciences, has been substantiated. Professional ethical competence according to the specifics of its’ realization belongs to so-called intersubject competencies. They have integrative character and unite in themselves certain complex of skills, knowledge and relations which are gained by the future specialists in agrarian sciences, holders of Master’s degree during the whole term of their studies. That is why we have defined the following indicators of assessment of moral and ethical competences: knowledge of the general moral and ethical values, skills for finding the balance between own interests/aims/motives and requirements, norms of agrarian enterprises, establishments and organisations.

The findings of the implementation of the elements of elective courses in the training for the professionals, future holders of Master’s degree of agrarian sciences are represented. The main tasks and methods of the learning activities have been defined, and during the implementation of the elective courses these activities take into account individual interests and aims for shaping of orientations towards definite type of future professional activity.


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How to Cite

Nohinska, A., Cheban О., & Fedorova, I. (2019). INTRODUCTION OF ELECTIVE COURSE ELEMENTS IN THE PROCESS OF MASTERS-AGRARIANS PREPARATION. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (94), 100-109.