
  • R. Volchek




real estate valuation, fair value, estimated value, market value


The author's vision on the process of estimating the value of real estate objects for the purposes of taxation is given. It is established, that the current norms of valuation of property for taxation purposes, established by the main regulator of valuation activity in Ukraine − the State Property Fund of Ukraine, deprive transparency the process of valuation of property in our state, and offset personal accounting judgments when assessing real estate. Opacity and distortion of the current norms of normative legal acts regulating the process of valuation of property and property rights in Ukraine, as well as the norms of the International Financial Reporting Standards (further − IFRS) 13 «Fair Value Measurement» during the valuation of real estate objects, consists, according our opinion, representatives of the State Property Fund of Ukraine during the approval of property valuation reports for tax purposes are based on the estimated value of the objects, which should be determined solely on the basis of the prices of real estate offers and solely by means of a comparative approach. But, IFRS 13 «Fair Value Measurement» and National Standard 1 «General Principles of Valuation of Property and Property Rights» demand to determine the value of objects of evaluation in three methods: costly, cost-effective and comparative. Recommendations are introduced, implementation of which will allow to observe the transparency and correctness of determining the value of property for tax purposes.


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How to Cite

Volchek, R. (2019). DISCUSSION ASPECTS OF PROPERTY VALUATION FOR TAX PURPOSES. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (94), 64-75. https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2019.94.11