
  • I. Dudarev
  • S. Uminsky
  • А. Moskalyuk
  • N. Maslych



compound feed, storage, antioxidant, term, quality.


Compound feed plays an important role in feeding livestock and poultry in large-scale agriculture. Therefore, ensuring the quality of compound feed is very important from an economic point of view and plays a decisive role in increasing the profitability of livestock and poultry farming. The compound feed industry produces mixtures of various ingredients (raw materials), which are combined in various combinations and proportions. This defines the name of the compound food. Compound feed is a balanced mixture of different feeds and micro-additives, made according to a specific recipe for each group of animals for complete nutrition of farm animals. Combined feed, containing nutrients necessary for the animal, enriched with trace elements (premixes), which have a positive effect on productivity and allow to increase productivity by 30%. Therefore, it is important to ensure the quality of compound feed during storage and use of substances that do not impair product quality. The main task in the production of compound feed is to create a consistency that meets the high caloric needs of livestock, poultry and poultry and ensures their growth, formation and maintenance.

Author Biographies

I. Dudarev

Odesa State Agrarian University

S. Uminsky

Odesa State Agrarian University

А. Moskalyuk

Odesa State Agrarian University

N. Maslych

Odesa State Agrarian University


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How to Cite

Dudarev, I., Uminsky, S., Moskalyuk А., & Maslych, N. (2024). INCREASING THE STABILITY OF COMBINED FEED DURING ITS STORAGE. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (111), 98-102.