
  • T. Pushkar
  • I. Gurko



ozone, microorganisms, mold, animals, premises, disinfection.


When keeping a large number of animals in a closed room, rapid infection is possible. Saprophytes are one of the main types of microorganisms in livestock premises.
Choosing the right disinfectant is critical. Although sanitation recommendations focus mainly on traditional methods of disinfection using disinfectants. Recently, sanitation procedures have also expanded to include other, less traditional methods of disinfection. These include the treatment of premises with the help of so-called ozone generators, that is, devices that supply gaseous ozone, which is the second most powerful oxidizing agent after fluorine. Ozone is characterized by the ability to react with organic molecules containing double or triple bonds, and this property is the reason for its bactericidal, virulicidal and fungicidal action.
According to the results of the analysis of the selected air samples, before and after ozonation, it was established that the number of mold and yeast fungi in the air of the feed shop decreased by 4 times, in the air of the cowshed - by 2.8 times, in the calving shop after the application of ozonation by 5.5 times (Table 1). Based on the data obtained as a result of ozonation in various rooms, the following calculations were made: the dependence of the ozonator's operation time on the exposure time (when the device is turned off) and the main sanitary and hygienic indicators.
The use of ozonation has proven the possibility of significantly reducing the labor intensity and time spent on disinfection. Obviously, the most significant advantage of ozone is its effect on mold and yeast. Although ozone belongs to gases of toxicity class 1, it quickly breaks down into harmless compounds, which makes it unique in contrast to traditional chlorine-based disinfectants.
The use of ozonation allows you to significantly reduce the cost of disinfectants, as well as effectively prevent infection. This method of disinfection can significantly increase the productivity of animals, reduce the probability of infection and death of livestock, as well as cases of disease among service personnel.

Author Biographies

T. Pushkar

Odesa State Agrarian University

I. Gurko

Odesa State Agrarian University


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How to Cite

Пушкар, Т., & Гурко, Є. (2024). USE OF DISINFECTION BY THE OZONATION METHOD AT AN ANIMAL FACILITY. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (111), 93-97.