
  • V. Krikun
  • Zh. Koreneva
  • E. Rodionova
  • I. Bondarenko



quail, mineral substances, productivity.


Quail eggs are considered very valuable and medicinal. Eggs contain many vitamins, amino acids and microelements, and are also cholesterol-free. To remove radioactive substances from the body, nutritionists recommend using quail eggs in your diet.Calcium provides structural strength to bones and eggshells and plays a vital role in many biochemical reactions in the body.
With a lack of calcium in the diet: young birds have problems with growth, the bones are not sufficiently mineralized, which is why they become too soft and therefore deformed under the weight of the bird; adult birds have problems with egg laying.
The main goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of additional introduction of mineral substances from raw materials of various origins into the quail diet on the productivity of Estonian quails.
Quails have an intense metabolism and rapid growth, which explains their high sensitivity to nutritional disorders. The causes of quail diseases are a lack of proteins, vitamins and minerals, sensitive quails and the presence of even minimal amounts of chemicals in feed. The absorption of nutrients by birds is affected by: temperature, humidity, lighting and gas pollution in the premises. Stress factors for quails can be powerful sounds that slow down the growth of the bird and reduce its productivity.
During the experiment, we observed specific symptoms of metabolic and reproductive system diseases in birds.
Additional introduction into the diet of "Estonian" quails of mineral substances from raw materials of different origins: shell rock, Black Sea mussel shell,sea mussel shell, sand shell has a slight stimulating effect on the bird’s body. There has been an increase in the productivity and safety of quails.
The safety of poultry during the experimental period was recorded to be the highest in the experimental groups of birds compared to the control group: in the control group - 82.5%, in the 2nd experimental group - 95%, in the 3rd and 4th experimental groups, preservation was 92.5%.
An increase in productivity was observed in all experimental groups compared to the control group: in the 2nd experimental group - 144.02%, in the 3rd experimental group - 132.84%, and in the 4th experimental group - 134.11%.
When using mineral substances in the experimental groups, an increase in the average mass of eggs, an increase in their size and also a change in the absolute mass of the components of the egg were observed.

Author Biographies

V. Krikun

Odesa State Agrarian University

Zh. Koreneva

Odesa State Agrarian University

E. Rodionova

Odesa State Agrarian University

I. Bondarenko

Odesa State Agrarian University


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How to Cite

Крикун, В., Коренєва, Ж., Родіонова, К., & Бондаренко, І. (2024). INFLUENCE OF MINERAL SUBSTANCES ON QUAIL PRODUCTIVITY. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (111), 78-86.