
  • I. Bondarenko
  • M. Broshkov
  • A. Lazorenko
  • Zh. Koreneva



estrous cycle, cows, infertility, correction, estrus, cord blood serum, housing conditions.


Obtaining a stable profit in cattle breeding is possible only under conditions justified from the point of view of physiologically appropriate exploitation. At present, the technology of milk production in most farms of Ukraine is not provided with the necessary conditions for keeping cows, as there is not always full feeding, compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions, and physiologically justified exploitation. Due to the biotic and abiotic load on the body of cows, there is a stress on the adaptive functioning of all systems, which, in some cases, goes beyond the limits of biological expediency . The article covers issues related to the correction of the estrous cycle of cows at the current level of animal husbandry in Ukraine. The corrective effect of biologically active compounds, namely cord blood serum and tissue drug "Actovegin" on the restoration of the sexual cycle of cows, when their physiological state is weakened and the barrier properties of the endometrium is disturbed, was revealed. The best biological effects were found with the combined use of cord blood serum and the tissue preparation "Aktovegin".It was established that when using cord blood serum in combination with the drug "Actovegin", the number of days from the correction of the reproductive function to the manifestation of the stage of excitement was 18.3% less compared to the indicator of the control group (4.31±0.38 and 18. 25±1.89, respectively).

Author Biographies

I. Bondarenko

Odesa State Agrarian University

M. Broshkov

Odesa State Agrarian University

A. Lazorenko

Sumy National Agrarian University

Zh. Koreneva

Odesa State Agrarian University


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How to Cite

Бондаренко, І., Брошков, . М., Лазоренко, . А., & Коренєва, . Ж. (2024). INFLUENCE OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE DRUGS ON THE ESTRUS CYCLE OF COWS . Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (111), 23-27.