
  • А. Kitayeva
  • І. Slyusarenko



ewes, breeding rams, crossbreeding, live weight, measurements, indices.


Industrial crossbreeding is used in commercial herds with the aim of increasing meat production even in first generation hybrids. The effectiveness of a simple commercial crossbreeding of Tsigayska ewes and breeding rams of the Hisarka breeds and the development of lambs of the first and second generation in the intrauterine period of ontogenesis have not been sufficiently studied. The article provides data on the live weight and exterior of newborn lambs of different generations obtained from a simple commercial crossbreeding of Tsigayska ewes and breeder rams of the Hisar breed. Indicators of exterior and live mass were studied according to generally accepted methods. It was established that the lambs were born viable with a well developed wool cover. Local lambs and yaks of the first and second generations had high live weight and well defined body sexes. The rams of the second generation had slightly better indicators of live weight and exterior compared to their peers of the first generation. Thus, rams and rams of the second generation exceeded their peers of the first generation in terms of live weight at birth: single rams by 1.58 kg or 35.6%, twin rams by 1.72 kg or this requires highly productive animals that would had good health and high reproductive capacity.

Author Biographies

А. Kitayeva

Odesa State Agrarian University

І. Slyusarenko

Odesa State Agrarian University


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How to Cite

Китаєва, А., & Слюсаренко, І. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF NEWBORN LAMBS OF DIFFERENT GENERATIONS OBTAINED FROM TSYGAYSKA EWS AND HISARSKA RAMSBREED. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (110), 162-168.