
  • E. Zhurenko
  • V. Karpovskiy
  • A. Danchuk



We determined the feed additive “Germatsink” effectiveness for the correction of mineral metabolism in cows with different tones of autonomic nervous system (ANS). After giving the food supplement Germatsink in cows with different ANS tone, there was only a tendency to increase the sodium content in the blood cells of normotonic cows and a decrease in the blood of sympathetic and vagotonic cows. In 10 days after the start of the studies, this indicator decreased by 6.8% (p <0.05) in normotonic cows, whereas in vagotonic and sympathicotonic cows did not change significantly. The ratio of sodium to potassium content in the blood cells of sympathicotonic cows decreased by 4.5% within 10 days after the start of the studies and did not differ significantly from that in the normotonic animals till the end of the study.


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How to Cite

Zhurenko, E., Karpovskiy, V., & Danchuk, A. (2020). CORRECTION OF CONTENT OF SOME MACRONUTRIENT IN BLOOD OF CONSIDERING VEGETATIVE STATUS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (94), 5-10.