
  • R. Susol
  • N. Kirovich
  • І. Riznychuk



goats, goats, hybrids, generations, singles, twins, yield of kids.


A complex of technological, technical, organizational and economic issues is at the heart of increasing the number of goats and increasing their productivity and production. Modern problems of the development of goat breeding raise the need for in-depth research into the possibility of improving existing breeds and breeding new breeds, breed groups and types of high-yielding meat and meat-milk precocious goats, which more rationally use feed resources for the formation of goat meat, fur raw materials and can compete with other intensive industries of animal husbandry. These problems primarily include the assessment of breeding and productive qualities of goats that are being bred, determining the level of influence of genetic factors on the development of productive traits, studying the patterns of inheritance of traits and the relationship between them, studying animal selection tests for improving desired traits in purebred breeding and crossing.

Author Biographies

R. Susol

Odesa State Agrarian University

N. Kirovich

Odesa State Agrarian University

І. Riznychuk

Odesa State Agrarian University


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How to Cite

Сусол, Р., Кірович, Н., & Різничук, І. (2024). REPRODUCTIVE ABILITY OF FEMALES OF THE ZAANEN AND ALPINE BREEDS WHEN CROSSED WITH GOATS OF THE CORSICAN BREED. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (110), 157-161.