
  • L. Franchuk-Kryva
  • O. Panasiuk
  • R. Dubin
  • M. Todorov




rabbits, pododermatitis, clinical signs, hematological parameters.


It was found that in 55.6% of rabbits, pododermatitis (bumblefoot) was characterized by the presence of erosions and ulcers on the skin of the plantar surface of the feet of the left and right pelvic limbs. Hematological changes in rabbits with ulcerative bumblefoot were manifested by an increase in the average number of platelets and leukocytes by 39.9 and 38.6% within the reference limits, against the background of a decrease in rod-shaped neutrophils by 35.4%.

Author Biographies

L. Franchuk-Kryva

Odesa State Agrarian University

O. Panasiuk

Odesa State Agrarian University

R. Dubin

Odesa State Agrarian University

M. Todorov

Odesa State Agrarian University


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How to Cite

Франчук-Крива, Л., Панасюк, О., Дубін, Р., & Тодоров, М. (2024). FEATURES OF THE CLINICAL COURSE PODODERMATITIS IN RABBITS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (110), 107-112. https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2024.110.18