
  • I. Melniychuk
  • Yu. Dovhii



demodicosis, blood, tick, metabolites, leukocytic formula.


Under local and generalized demodicosis D.canis, the influence of pathogens on a dog organism and the morphological and biochemical studies of blood parameters of the infected animals have been established. According to the intensity of D.canis infestation, 14,1 ± 0,40 specimens of live ticks for the locaized form of demodicosis in dogs, an increase in the number of leukocytes in the swab by 62% ( from 7,81 ± 0,30) in non-infested animals to 13,4 ± 0,6 was registered. In the infected animals, the number of soosinophills increased three times 3,0 (from 3,0 ± 0,23 tо 9,0 ± 0,34%) respectively, by 53,2% of rod-shaped neutrophils (from 4,0 ± 0,20 tо 7,0 ± 0,22%), and the content of segment neutrophils decreased by 19,4% (from 63,8 ± 2,64 tо 49,10 ± 2,35%). In animals with demodicosis, the appearance of basophils and new neutrophils was established in the leukogram. Under different forms of demodicosis D.canis, an increase in the following indicators was established: bilirubin 45,4% (from 3,0 ± 0,11 tо 4,0 ± 0,19mmol/l), cholesterol and the activity of AlAT enzymes) - 2,8 times (from 22,24 ± 0,90 tо 65,90 ± 2,75 u/l), АсАТ – 2,2 times (from 13,60 ± 0,62 tо 32,47 ± 1,24 u/l) and LF - by 31,6% (from 73,20 ± 3,18 tо 96,43 ± 3,10 u/l). This indicated at the signs of hepatotoxic effect of tick metabolites and their breakdown products on the skin lesions. Under the generalized form of demodicosis of dogs D.canis and the intensity of invasion of 17,2 ± 0,70, the damage of the body surface was about 52%. For the generalized form of demodicosis in dogs, a characteristic feature due to an increase in the content of urea in the blood serum, is the increased breakdown of the proteins of skin that is damaged due to the vital activity of pathogens and which occupies sufficiently large areas of the skin. The appearance of blisters filled with liquid was noted for the animals suffering from sarcoptosis, and the following clinical signs were noted: severe itching, increased excitability, sluggish appetite, lost weight and exhaustion.

Author Biographies

I. Melniychuk

Polissia National University

Yu. Dovhii

Polissia National University


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How to Cite

Мельнійчук, І., & Довгій, Ю. (2024). PATHOGENESIS UNDER DEMODICOSIS AND SARCOPTOSIS IN DOGS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (110), 52-56.