
  • S. Krasnikov
  • L. Tarasenko
  • V. Rud
  • V. Stavynskyi




mycotoxins, toxin, T-2, Deoxynivalenone, phosphorus, calcium, Zearalenone, southern region of Ukraine, fodder, wheat, soybean meal, corn, barley, farm animals, productivity, prevention.


The relevance of the study is due to the high level of mycotoxin contamination of grain crops in Ukraine and around the world. As a result, animals, people and the economic condition of farms suffer. In this regard, this article is aimed at identifying the level of mycotoxic damage to wheat grain in the southern region of Ukraine and assessing the impact on feed quality indicators. The task of researching this problem is a comprehensive approach, which includes: sample selection, evaluation according to organoleptic (appearance, smell and impurities) and toxicological indicators in the conditions of the "Veterinary Diagnostics Center" in Kyiv, which allows for a comprehensive study of the level of mycotoxins in the studied samples.
Research has proven the level of exposure to wheat grain mycotoxins (Deoxynivalenone, T-2) of private farms in the southern region of Ukraine, with the help of "Ridascreen fast Deoxynivalenol" and "Ridascreen fast T-2 toxin".
The organoleptic evaluation of the samples confirmed the presence and negative effect of mycotoxins in wheat grain on the appearance of grain crops, although studies proved that the concentration of the mycotoxin Deoxynivalenone was on average 0.185 mg/kg, T-2 toxin 0.053 mg/kg, which is within the permissible levels. It was established that samples #1, 4, 5 had a toxin concentration of 0.27 mg/kg; 0.46 mg/kg; 0.21 mg/kg, respectively, which indicates violation of technological processes of grain collection and storage. According to the organoleptic evaluation, it was samples No. 1, 4, 5 that had the worst results, thus confirming the data of the laboratory study.
The research results showed fluctuations in the content of phosphorus, calcium, and zearalenone in feed, which were determined using spectrometric methods and Ridascreen fast Zearalenon test systems.
Studies have shown that all samples had an acceptable level of Zearalenone. Samples No. 1, 2, 4 corresponded to the MDR of the mass fraction of phosphorus, samples No. 3 and 5 had an excess of the MDR of the mass fraction of phosphorus. Samples No. 1, 2, 5 corresponded to the MDR of the mass fraction of calcium, samples No. 3, 4 had an excess of the MDR of the mass fraction of calcium. The materials of the article are of practical value for farms, as conducting mycotoxic studies and their organoleptic evaluation makes it possible to detect the levels of mycotoxins in grain, control and thus ensure the health of animals and people.

Author Biographies

S. Krasnikov

Odesa State Agrarian University

L. Tarasenko

Odesa State Agrarian University

V. Rud

Odesa State Agrarian University

V. Stavynskyi

Odesa State Agrarian University


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How to Cite

Красніков, С., Тарасенко, Л., Рудь, В., & Ставинський, В. (2024). HYGIENIC ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY AND SAFETY OF FODDER IN THE SOUTHERN REGION OF UKRAINE. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (110), 35-44. https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2024.110.07