



sow, non-specific resistance, BASK, LASK, FAN, Fch


The indicators of nonspecific resistance of gestating sows were studied. The research was conducted on analog sows. In the blood obtained from the anterior vena cava, the leukocyte formula was counted, the phagocytic activity of neutrophils, including the phagocytic number, was determined, and the bactericidal and lysozyme activity of blood serum was determined.

Studies have shown that in the first half of farrowing, the highest values of bactericidal activity of blood serum were in the groups of young sows. In the second half of farrowing, a decrease in bactericidal activity of blood serum was observed in sows of the first two farrowings (p<0.01; p<0.05). In sows of the third farrowing, the decrease in this indicator is slightly expressed.

In the first half of farrowing, serum lysozyme activity is higher in sows of the first and second farrowing in 1.40 - 1.1.29 times (p<0.01; p<0.05), the lowest - in sows of the third farrowing. At the end of farrowing this index increases in all sows, but in animals of 1-2 farrowing this increase is more significant than in sows of the third farrowing.

The highest phagocytic activity of neutrophils was noted in sows of the second farrowing, by the end of farrowing they have a significant decrease (p<0.05) of this indicator.

The absorption capacity of neutrophils also significantly decreases at the end of farrowing (p<0.01) compared to the beginning of the study. In sows of the third farrowing it was lower than in animals of the first and second farrowing by 1.37 times (p<0.01).

Thus, sows of the first and second farrowing are characterized by higher rates of bactericidal activity of blood serum in the first half of farrowing. At the end of the study, this indicator significantly decreased before farrowing. Moreover, the level of this indicator during this period was lower than in sows of the third farrowing.

In addition, sows of the first two pregnancies are characterized by high levels of lysozyme activity, as well as a decrease in the phagocytic activity of neutrophils in the first half of pregnancy.

As a result of the studies, periods of unstable state of nonspecific protection of the organism were determined. This will allow not only to detect the impact on the body in order to restore the already impaired resistance, but also to prevent these disorders in the established disadvantaged groups of animals, more differentially select means that strengthen the body's resistance.

Studies are planned to find out the resistance of piglets and study the effect of drugs on the immune status of sows and newborn piglets.


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How to Cite

Карпенко, Я., & Богословська, А. (2023). THE DYNAMICS OF SOME FACTORS OF NON-SPECIFIC RESISTANCE OF SOWS DEPENDING ON THE PERIOD OF COMPOUNDING. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (105).