cow, ovary, corpus luteum, anaphrodisia, serum, infertility, hypofunction, fertilityAbstract
The paper provides a theoretical justification and results of clinical studies on the treatment of cows with gonadal dysfunction. It has been established that the complex and sequential application of hemostimulating serum to cows with persistent yellow body increases the luteolytic efficiency of broestrophan and improves their fertility. Combined intra-arterial administration of broestrophan and docitol allows to reduce drug doses and achieve higher clinical and economic indicators, compared to their intramuscular administration. The proposed serotherapy has a positive effect on the mechanism of neurohumoral regulation of the sexual cycle in the direction of its normalization, and is an effective method of restoring the sexual cycle and fertility of cows.
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Спосіб індукції статевої охоти у корів та телиць: пат. 84363 Україна, МПК: А61Д19/00, А 61 К 31/138, А 61 31/5575. № 03641; заявл. 02.04.2007; опубл. 10.07.2008, Бюл. № 19.
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