
  • S. Petrenko Odesa State Agrarian University
  • N. Kirovich Odesa State Agrarian University
  • V. Yasko Odesa State Agrarian University
  • S. Sidashova Аграрна дорадча служба Одеської області с. Петродолинське, Одеса
  • H. Shlapak Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
  • N. Povarova Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
  • V. Naida Odesa State Agrarian University



eichhornia, fodder, animals, plants, organic technologies, biotechnology, silage


The owner of the name Eichhornia (water lilies, hyacinths), which is unusual for hearing, is becoming an agricultural crop in Ukraine. The first practical experience of obtaining green mass was acquired in the experimental farm "U Samvela" in Odessa region. Innovative biotechnology of cultivation, and also technique of the further application on a forage to animals and birds of green weight of a water hyacinth is developed here. The culture is grown in greenhouses and in open water.

In countries with the same climate, hyacinths have recently begun to be grown en masse for consumption as a salad and for the production of fossil fuels. Prospects for growing in the Odessa region eichhornia and the use of this culture in the feeding of productive animals, both as a supplement to the diet of fresh plants and after ensiling.

An experimental method of ensiling the green mass of eichhornia has been developed, which provides for certain technological processes. Samples of experimental silage looked and smelled better than those taken for comparison samples of corn silage. Conducted organoleptic analysis showed good product quality: a pleasant fruity-bread smell, greenish color, no signs of spoilage, mold, rot.


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How to Cite

Петренко C., Кірович, Н., Ясько, В., Сідашова, С., Шлапак, Г., Поварова, Н., & Найда, В. (2021). BIOTECHNOLOGY OF EYCHORNY GROWING AND PROCESSING. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (99).