
  • M. Sakhatskyi Одеська державна академія будівництва та архітектури
  • A. Belous Одеська державна академія будівництва та архітектури



Table grape varieties, assortment of grape varieties, market analysis of table varieties, conveyor of table grape varieties, new selection varieties


The conditions of the assortment of grape plantations in Ukraine, namely, table grape varieties of the main direction of the Ukraine viticulture regions and the need for its improvement when integrated into the world market, are analyzed. So the grape assortment is one of the main factors that must be taken into account when integrating the industry into the world market, it must correspond to the tastes of consumers of traditional varieties, and also attract them to new varieties that have been obtained in recent decades. But it should be noted that the propagation and introduction of varieties of new selection occurs very slowly, both through the small size of the mother liquors, or even their absence, and a certain distrust of the new assortment. In addition, the formation and reconstruction of the assortment of grapes is carried out spontaneously, only market demand is not taken into account, the prospects for the development of regions, farms and the presence of nursery facilities are not taken into account.

The development of marketing commodity-assortment policy of table grapes must be based on the properties of this product as high quality, healing, high nutrient. The promotion of the production of new varieties of table grapes requires active informative advertising, in which it is advisable for potential consumers to convey the properties of these varieties, their peculiarities and advantages over similar products. When bringing table grapes to the world market, it is important to take into account the specifics of each national economy and the culture of consumption of table grapes. Marketing of the commodity-assortment policy of table grapes implies paying due attention to the timing of reaching the grapes. The assortment should combine table grape varieties analogous to the conveyor - from very early varieties to late ripening dates to extend the market delivery and fresh consumption of grapes.


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How to Cite

Sakhatskyi, M., & Belous, A. (2020). THE FORMATION OF THE TABLE DIRECTION GRAPE VARIETIES ASSORTMENT. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (96).