
  • V. Chepurna Подільський державний аграрно-технічний університет
  • T. Suprovych Подільський державний аграрно-технічний університет
  • O. Vishchur Інститут біології тварин НААН
  • V. Mizyk Подільський державний аграрно-технічний університет



cattle, blood, subclinical mastitis, leukocytes, neutrophils, T- and B-lymphocytes, somatic cells


The article presents the results of experimental research on the impact of complex liposomal drug produced on the basis of plant material - Hypericum perforatum L., on the indices of the T- and B-cell lines of blood immunity in cows suffering from subclinical mastitis. It was established that the growth of the total number of T and B lymphocytes to the level of the values of this indicator in clinically healthy animals was observed in sick cows on the 3rd day after drug administration. The total number of Tlymphocytes (active and theophylline-resistant) and B-lymphocytes in the blood of cows of the experimental group at day 9 after administration of the drug was greater (P <0.05) than in the control. At the same time, the number of Th-RUL and EAS-RUL with low receptor density in the blood of cows of the experimental group was greater (P <0.01), and of "null" nondifferentiated cells functionally less (P <0.01). compared to control.


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How to Cite

Chepurna, V., Suprovych, T., Vishchur, O., & Mizyk, V. (2020). CONDITION OF T-AND-B CELLULAR LINKS OF IMMUNITY IN COWS, THE SICK SUBCLINIC FORM OF MASTITIS, WHEN USING A LIPOSOMAL DRUG. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (96).