
  • S. Uminskij Одеський державний аграрний університет
  • V. Makarchuk Одеський державний аграрний університет
  • M. Korol'kova Одеський державний аграрний університет
  • S. Dmitrieva Одеський державний аграрний університет
  • S. Zhitkov Одеський державний аграрний університет




lubricant, cavitation, regeneration, impurities, kinematic viscosity, commodity grease, ultrasonic generator


The service life of motor oils can be continued through the use of various methods of cleaning and restoring their functional properties. Physical methods of processing motor oils provide stabilization of the viscosity of the oil over a long period of operation in the engine, which creates better conditions for lubricating ICE parts, and ensure their high wear resistance. The influence of a magnetic field improves polarization phenomena in a lubricant with impurities and, as a result, improves its lubricating properties. The oil regeneration installation contains a throttle for regulating the operating modes of the ultrasonic generator, a hydraulic pulse frequency sensor is installed at the generator input, a pressure gauge is installed, and the output of the throttle and generator are connected by a pipeline to an electromagnetic filter, the output of which is connected through a distributor to a spray nozzle mounted in the evaporation tank in the upper part of which a condensate collector is installed, located above the tank of the liquid to be cleaned, in the lower part of which there is a radiator for cooling th oil. The developed installation will improve the efficiency of oil regeneration with improving the quality of commercial oils.


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How to Cite

Uminskij, S., Makarchuk, V., Korol’kova, M., Dmitrieva, S., & Zhitkov, S. (2020). HYDRODYNAMIC EQUIPMENT FOR REGENERATION OF WASTEED MASTS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (95), 181-187. https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2019.95.26