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Author Guidelines

Authors Guideline


Articles that meet the requirements of the DAK are accepted for printing and have the following necessary elements: statement of the problem in general form and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks; an analysis of the latest research and publications in which the author solves this problem, and identifies previously unresolved parts of the general problem that this article is devoted to; formulating the goals of the article (setting the task); presentation of the main research material with full justification of scientific results; conclusions from this study and prospects for further exploration in this area.

In order to meet the above requirements for a scientific article, the following elements of the article should be bolded: problem statement, analysis of current research, purpose of article, presentation of basic material, conclusions and prospects of further research.

Articles that do not meet the requirements for professional articles are not accepted for printing. Articles are published in Ukrainian.

The article should be from 10 to 12 pages, the review article should be up to 20 pages (without annotations and the list of used sources) Margins of the document: left - 20 mm, right - 20 mm, upper - 20 mm, lower - 20 mm. Articles should be prepared using a Microsoft Word text editor. Font –Times New Roman, Interval -1, font size of the text — 14 pt.

The title of the article should be short (up to 10 words), it should adequately reflect its content, and correspond to the essence of the scientific problem. At the same time, the titles beginning with the words “Studing the question…”, “Some questions…”, “Problems…”, “Ways…”, which do not sufficiently reflect the essence of the problem, should be avoided.

Annotations (in Ukrainian, Russian and English) should be typed in 12pt in italics. The summary of the material in the extended annotation in English should be around 1500-2000 signs. Syntactic constructions of impersonal sentences such as  "It was Investigated ...", "It was Considered ...", "It was Established ..." should be used, eg, "Genetic variability was investigated ... Satisfactory results were obtained ...").

Reference to text should be in square brackets, for example [1], [1, 6]. Reference to specific pages should be after the source number, then the  page (small page), then its page number (for example: [1, page 5]). If there is another source, then put its number after the semicolon in the same parentheses (for example: [1, p. 5; 4, p. 8]).

All citations, the original language of which is different, should be presented in the language of the Bulletin and be sure to accompany them with links to the source and the specific page. Do not make footnotes, but submit them directly in the text in brackets. You should give links to all figures and tables in the text. All figures should be accompanied by figure captions, and all tables should be accompanied by table titles.

You should draw pictures in Microsoft Word using the “Create the Picture” function, you should not draw pictures over the text. The inscriptions in the figures should be done using Microsoft Word so that the editor can make the necessary corrections in them. If you  use other programs for creating drawings, it is necessary to provide the editorial office with a separate file TIFF(uncompressed) or  JPG format (bestquality) for each figure.

Tables should be done in Microsoft Word using the “Add a table” function. Each table should occupy no more than one sheet with a TIMES font size of the text of the table not less than 12 size (book orientation).

Type the formulas in the articles in the MS Equation 3.0 formula editor, TIMES font, 10 size throughout the text. Authors must adhere to the correct industry terminology (see GOSTs).

Terms should be unified throughout the article. Between numbers and unit names (monetary, metric, etc.), you should put an inextricable space.

Reduction of monetary and metric units

The reduction of monetary and metric units, as well as the reduction of million, billion, metric (UAH, t, c, m, km, etc.) should be written without the full stop. You should distinguish the symbols "-", "-" and "-". The first one is not used in the manuscript. If there is an abbreviation in the test, you should submit it in brackets at the first mention.

List of references

The list of used references, that is provided at the end of the publication, should be done in accordance with the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 or in accordance with the requirements of the APA (American Psychological Association).

The list of links should be given, with DOI indices presented on the website The number in the list of references should correspond to only one source.

Sciencehunter service provides the ability to automatically f bibliography typography according to standards.

  • DSTU 8302: 2015 (valid standard in Ukraine)
    • APA (5)
    • MLA (6)
    • ISO 690
    • Chicago (16)
    • Harvard 3.0.2

The service provides the ability to download records to a computer in the Microsoft Word editor and using the automatic transliteration of records from Russian (ISO 9 (GOST 7.79-2000) system B) and Ukrainian (National Standard) languages into English

Be sure to have a transliterated list of literature, drawn up according to the international bibliographic standard APA.

You can find requirements and recommendations for transliteration on our website.

Requirements for the design of the list of references in the References

The list of references in the language of the article must be transliterated in Latin or, if the source is also an English name, write it in English

  • References must be done in accordance with the АРА standard.

The authors` papers sent to the editorial board should contain: a file with the text of the article (see Article Sample), named by the name of the author Article_Surname), a file with extended English annotation (Annotation_Surname) and, if necessary, files with figures, graphs, etc.). Be sure to submit a review of a doctor of science; payment receipt, information about the author.

Before sending the file, make sure that all the requirements of the editorial board are met, besides be sure that all the components of the paper are present: the article, annotations (in Ukrainian, in English, Russian), Keywords (in Ukrainian, in English, Russian), abstract of the article (in English .), translation of the abstract (in Ukrainian or Russian), information about the author (s) (Surname, Name, Patronymic, academic degree, academic rank, position, place of work (in Russian and in English), ORCID ID / Researcher ID , e-mail.

The publishing editor is Uminsky Sergiy Mykhailovych. 

Editorial Board Address: Odesa State Agrarian University, ul. Panteleimonivs`ka, 13, Odesa, 65012, Ukraine,  е-mail: 

Scientific articles submitted to the editorial board are subject to peer review. The form of the peer-reviewing  article s external (peer-reviewing of the paper is made by two leading experts in the corresponding  field of science). The article is passed through double blind peer review.

The editorial board determines the correspondance of the article with the profile of the collection and the submission requirements, it sends the article  for review to a specialist who has a scientific specialization in the feature of the article. The technical editor is  informing  the authors about getting  the electronic  version of the article by the editorial board within three working days  . The review period  for the most rapid publication of the article is determined in each specific  case (usually one or  two weeks).

Within 2 weeks after receiving the review, the author must finalize the article, take into account all the reviewers`  comments, and return it to the editorial board. If the article is rejected, the editorial board sends the author a reasoned refusal.

If the article is not recommended by the reviewer for publication, it is not accepted for re-consideration.

After the article has been reviewed, it is sent for editing.

The editing procedure involves checking of the article on formal signsand features of the article in accordance with the requirements. Having a positive review is not a sufficient condition for publishing an article. The final decision on the advisability of publication is made by the editorial board. After making a decision on publication, the technical editor informs the authors about this and indicates the terms of publication and payment.

Payment of organizational costs

Payment of organizational costs of the editorial board work (reviewing articles, preparing and printing original layouts, working with literary and technical editors, postal and transportation costs, obtaining a digital identifier, indexing in databases, Internet provider services, etc.) is carried out after adoption articles to print.

Payment for one page publishing of A-4 format is 60 UAH.

All authors of the article are provided with one copy of the Bulletin.

There are two ways to submit an article for publication in the collection “Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral”:

1st: Fill out the article submission form and attach the article file.

2nd: Send the article and the above –mentioned documents to the editorial office by e-mail: 

Copyright Transfer Agreement

Sample of the Paper Design

Editorial board reserves the right to editorial corrections

Privacy Statement

Copyright Statement

Authors who published in this journal should agree to the following conditions:
Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right to first publishing.
Authors may enter into separate, additional contractual agreements for non-exclusive distribution of the printed version of their work (article) (for example, place it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with confirmation of its initial publication in this journal.
Authors are allowed to post their work on the Internet (for example, in institutional repositories or on their website) before and during the submission process, as this can lead to a productive exchange, as well as earlier and greater citation of the published work (see. The open access policy).

Privacy Policy

The names and email addresses provided by users on the website of this Bulletin will be used solely to fulfill the internal technical tasks of this journal; they will not be distributed and transferred to the unknown persons.