
  • V. Yasko
  • N. Kirovych
  • O. Naidich



broiler chickens, incubation modes


An intensive selection of meat chickens, which is aimed at a high intensity of growth and increase in live weight at the slaughter of broilers, has significantly changed the bird’s biology, the morphology of eggs, and the biology of embryo development. This led to the fact that in the general cycle of growing broilers from the beginning of egg incubation to the slaughter of the bird, the incubation time increases while the growing time decreases.
The theoretical and practical significance of the research results is that the stimulating effect of high temperatures on the growth and development of embryos in the first half of incubation has been established. The practicality of using temperature-humidity regimes of incubation for leveling the peaks of embryo mortality and reducing incubation failure has been confirmed.

Author Biographies

V. Yasko

Odesa State Agrarian University

N. Kirovych

Odesa State Agrarian University

O. Naidich

Odesa State Agrarian University


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Патрєва Л. С. Технологія виробництва продукції птахівництва: курс лекцій. Миколаїв : МНАУ, 2018. 248 с



How to Cite

Ясько, В., Кірович, . Н., & Найдіч, . О. (2024). MEAT PRODUCTIVITY OF BROILER CHICKENS DEPENDING ON INCUBATION MODES. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (111), 121-127.