
  • A. Kazambaeva Западно-Казахстанский аграрно-технический университет имени Жангир хана
  • S. Yesengalieva Западно-Казахстанский аграрно-технический университет имени Жангир хана
  • N. Saginalin Западно-Казахстанский аграрно-технический университет имени Жангир хана



planning, production, livestock, norm, norm, costs, cost


In modern conditions, when planning the development of animal husbandry, the main task is to ensure a stable growth in the production of meat, milk, eggs, and wool. During the development of plans, it is necessary to provide for the consistent intensification of each branch of livestock and poultry farming, further concentration and specialization of production. Justifying certain measures for the further specialization of individual farms, their cooperation and the deepening of on-farm specialization, the transition of individual livestock industries to an industrial basis, it is necessary to proceed, first of all, from the capabilities of our own fodder base.

The determination of the economic efficiency of raising and feeding livestock is carried out using indicators such as production costs for maintenance, the cost of 1 kg of livestock gain, revenue from sales of main products, and the level of profitability of production of main products.

The productivity of rearing young animals is largely determined by the prevailing conditions of keeping and feeding on farms. In order to increase the efficiency of growing young cattle, it is necessary to carry out work in the following areas: continuous improvement of the conditions of young animals in the winter; improving the quality of feed used depending on the periods; improvement of breeding and productive qualities of reared young animals.

One of the main reserves for the growth of competitive beef production in the republic is the use of specialized meat breeds and breeds of a combined direction, taking into account the climatic and environmental conditions. With intensive technologies for keeping cattle and providing it with necessary grass feeds of a sufficiently high quality, the main productivity indicators can increase, including one of the main indicators, such as the average daily gain in growing.

The indicator of the cost of growth in live weight of young animals is primarily affected by the availability of feed, since the share of the cost of feed in the total cost of all production costs for growing young animals accounts for more than 50%. In farms where pasture feed is a large proportion, the cost of feed units is reduced by 10% or more.


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How to Cite

Kazambaeva, A., Yesengalieva, S., & Saginalin, N. (2020). LIVESTOCK PLANNING ORGANIZATION. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (95), 138-146.