
  • V.G. Pelykh Херсонський державний аграрний університет
  • S.V. Ushakova Херсонський державний аграрний університет
  • M.V. Levchenko Херсонський державний аграрний університет



blood, protein, ALT, AST, enzymes, pigs, crossbreeding


The extensive use of foreign-born pig breeds in crossing and hybridization systems are the prerequisite for continued studies of the association of blood constituents with the productive qualities of interference animals. The aim of this article were to investigate the levels of protein, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase in pig blood and to determine the level of correlation with productivity. The study of the interior features of pigs was carried out at 4 months of age by the method by Reytman and Frenkel. Blood for the study was taken in the morning before feeding by puncturing the orbital venous sinus of the eye. The results of the studies indicate a higher level of protein in the blood serum of animals in which the blood share of durok and pietraine breeds is present. Pigs of group ♀(LW×L)×♂(D×P) and ♀(LW×L)×♂(P×D) exceeded on this indicator control group on 4.80 g/l and on 3.0 g/l respectively. In contents ALT of a pig of a genotype ♀(LW×L)×♂(D×P) authentically exceeded thoroughbred animals on 0.33g/l. Correlation relationship between protein content and age of reaching of living mass 100 kg is established. Levels of protein and blood enzymes determined at an early age make it possible to predict the future productivity of animals.


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How to Cite

Pelykh, V., Ushakova, S., & Levchenko, M. (2020). THE INTERIOR INDICATORS OF PIG PRODUCTIVITY IN CROSSBREEDING. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (95), 126-131.