
  • N. Shalimov Одеський державний аграрний університет



genesis, genotype, determination, adaptation, tolerance, filembriogenes, dominante of constitution, embriogenes, mutabilnist, etology cattle, breeding and selection, population size, productivity of the cattle


The article provides the necessary information regarding the genetic features of implementation in the ontogeny of different types of constitution of cattle according to three genetically determined levels of tolerance. The importance of realizing the genetic potential of animal productivity in individual deterministic adaptability ranges is discussed. It is established that animals of different types of constitution, in the process of adaptation, have to spend part of their energy on maintaining normal processes of life within the tolerance level, hich is conditioned by the type, and not on the production of a unit of production.For dairy cattle breeding, the link between ecotypes and cow productivity is important. This link is based on the difference in the level of tolerance, which provides a different range of adaptability to environmental factors and, as a consequence, has different intensities of genetic information deployment in ontogeny, different stability of vegetative functions under environmental influences and different effects of productivity under stress.Breeding and selection of cows of the desired constitution types with a high level of to-tolerance to performance-enhancing effects should be carried out in large-scale breeding, since the mechanisms of increasing tolerance to the upper potential range inherent in eirisomal and transgressive types are already sufficient. In modern breeding science the necessary conditions are created to solve the problem of optimization of genetically conditioned forming processes on the basis of new genetic and physiological ideas about the organism. Synthesis of scientific directions (the theory of physiological gradients, local information determinants, the doctrine of determination, the theory of filioembryogenesis, the doctrine of the channel of motion of inheritance) allowed us to open the relationship between the efficiency of the functioning of the genetic apparatus and the functional activity of the forms of adaptation to the reactions of adaptation.The interaction of the body and the environment is manifested mainly in the movement of animals from one medium to another. Genotype-environment interaction is most pronounced in animals with high adaptive potential, in which the value of productive or reproductive features increases sharply when environmental conditions change. This unequal manifestation of the trait can be explained by the change in the type of animal response to environmental conditions, which is determined by the conditions of the population.The genetic features of the implementation in the ontogeny of different types of animal constitution according to three genetic-ecological generations have been analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the need to preserve local breeds of farm animals, which are not able to compete with the main commercial species. The intrauterine formative process of dominance of types of constitution of cattle has been established [ethology of formation of phases of development]. The importance of realizing the genetic potential of animal productivity in individual deterministic adaptability ranges is discussed.Studies show that a partial restructuring of the genotype is possible along with an increase in its level of functioning, which can be carried out in the optimal range of tolerance of the organism.


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How to Cite

Shalimov, N. (2020). SELECTION-GENETICAL PROBLEMS FORMING WISHED TYPES OF THE CATTLE. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (95), 78-89.