turkeys, Histomonas meleagridis, blood serum, biochemistryAbstract
Histomonas meleagridis, a flagellate protozoan parasite of turkeys and chickens. The organs that are primarily affected by the parasite are the cecum and liver. The pathogenesis of histomonosis begins with the parasite affecting the cecum, which leads to severe inflammation and necrosis. After the destruction of the intestinal tissue, the parasite enters the blood vessels and reaches the liver through the portal vein. As a result, areas of inflammation and destruction appear in the liver. The acute course of histomonosis in turkeys was characterized by damage to the cecum, and the chronic course was characterized by liver damage with the formation of characteristic necrotic foci. The content of total protein in the blood serum of the experimental group of turkeys during the acute course of histomonosis significantly decreased by 12.3% and amounted to 52.9±0.5 g/l, versus 60.3±0.5 g/l in clinically healthy birds due to a significant decrease in albumins by 33.6%, which affected the formation of the albumin-globulin coefficient, which amounted to 0.6 versus 1.0 in clinically healthy turkeys. During the chronic course of the disease, the content of total protein did not change significantly, but the activity of ALT enzymes increased by 28.3% and AST by 17.7%, indicating significant damage to liver tissue.
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