
  • А. Kitayeva
  • V. Slyusarenko



microalgae, chlorella, suspension, milk, milk productivity, live mass, growth


One of the sources of providing the population with products of animal origin is goat breeding, from which various products are obtained: food products (milk, meat, fat) and raw materials for light industry (wool, down, goats, leather). Increasing the production of all types of goat products contributes to increasing the competitiveness and profitability of the industry, as the demand for them is growing all the time. Studies on the study of milk productivity of goats when feeding them with a suspension of chlorella microalgae in the post-sucking period were carried out at the "Rozdilnianske" sewage treatment plant in the Rozdilnian district of the Odesa region of Ukraine. To conduct the research, 5 groups of suckling mares of the Zaanen breed were formed, 10 heads each, one of the groups was a control group. Groups were formed according to the method of similar groups, taking into account breed, age in goats, live weight, which was 40 kg. A suspension of chlorella microalgae was fed to dows in the first 20 days of lactation, in the amount of 2; 4; 6; 8 ml per 1 kg of live weight. In newborn goats and at the age of 20 days, growth intensity and exterior indicators were determined according to generally accepted methods. The milk supply of female goats during this period is extremely important for the survival and growth of the kids.

Author Biographies

А. Kitayeva

Odesa State Agrarian University

V. Slyusarenko

Odesa State Agrarian University


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How to Cite

Китаєва, А., & Слюсаренко, В. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF CHLORELLA MICROALGAE SUSPENSION ON THE MILK PRODUCTIVITY OF DOGS AND THE GROWTH INTENSITY OF KIDS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (110), 173-180.