
  • А. Kitaeva
  • I. Riznychuk
  • I. Nikolenko




dairy cows, feeding, rations, milk yield, nadir, fat content, protein content, reproductive capacity.


This article determines the effectiveness of the use of feeding rations for dairy cows in terms of their impact on milk production, reproductive capacity, and duration of productive use. The rations are based on corn silage as the main fodder, given the existing deficit of alfalfa haylage on the farm. The scientific and economic experiment was conducted according to the methods generally accepted in dairy farming in the conditions of Mriya LLC, Oknyansky district, Odesa region, on the livestock of a dairy farm where Ukrainian Black-and-White cows were kept. A number of tasks were set when formulating cow feeding rations, which were successfully achieved: the average daily milk yield for the group of cows in the first 100 days of lactation reached 32.1 kg, which is 7.0% higher than the planned yield; the ratio of fat to protein in cow milk in the first phase of lactation was 1.20: 1, which indicates the absence of metabolic disorders in cows; an important indicator of reproductive capacity, which is the service period, although it was 25.0% higher than the existing technological standard (80.0 days), which, accordingly, with such a duration makes it possible to obtain an estimated calf yield of 94 heads for every 100 cows, which is generally quite high; 2.5 sperm doses were spent on 1 fertile insemination, which is 0.5 doses or 25.0% higher than the existing standard relative to the optimal indicator.

Author Biographies

А. Kitaeva

Odesa State Agrarian University

I. Riznychuk

Odesa State Agrarian University

I. Nikolenko

Odesa State Agrarian University


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How to Cite

Китаєва, А., Різничук, І., & Ніколенко, І. (2024). FEEDING EFFICIENCY AND INDICATORS OF PRODUCTIVITY AND REPRODUCTIVE CAPACITY OF DAIRY COWS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (110), 181-185. https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2024.110.29