
  • N. Okhotnichenko
  • Zh. Koreneva
  • L. Rosha
  • S. Mazovska
  • D. Stanishenskyi



rodents, chinchillas, physiological indicators, hematological indicators, biochemical indicators of blood and urine, diseases.


Chinchillas are rodents belonging to the Chinchillidae family and related to guinea pigs and degus. There are two species of chinchillas: the short-tailed chinchilla, Chinchilla chinchilla, and the long-tailed chinchilla, Chinchilla lanigera. An analysis of the incidence of chinchillas showed that animals whose owners are kept in violation of zoohygienic conditions are influenced by a variety of pathogenic factors and can become ill. It is for these reasons that up to 35% of purchased chinchillas die in the first year of life. Chinchillas are pets, larger than wild ones. Females are larger than males. In our country, chinchillas are kept as pets. Chinchillas can often get sick with non-contagious diseases, as they are sensitive to both the feeding diet and the living conditions (temperature, humidity, air speed).
The analysis showed that non-communicable diseases account for 63%, infectious diseases – 37% (21% – infectious, 16% – invasive). Non-communicable diseases are various hypo- and avitaminosis, metabolic diseases, inflammatory processes predominate in the digestive, respiratory, and urinary systems; tumors are observed in old animals. Young animals are most often diagnosed with hypovitaminosis, injuries, and various poisonings. All diseases of shinshin of non-contagious etiology have a direct connection with the conditions of keeping and feeding animals; they must be kept clean; the diet needs to be balanced regarding energy (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and non-energy (micro-, macroelements and vitamins) substances; animals must have constant access to clean water. Chinchilla diseases detected in time are easier to treat.

Author Biographies

N. Okhotnichenko

Odesa State Agrarian University

Zh. Koreneva

Odesa State Agrarian University

L. Rosha

Odesa State Agrarian University

S. Mazovska

Odesa State Agrarian University

D. Stanishenskyi

Odesa State Agrarian University


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How to Cite

Охотніченко, Н., Коренєва, Ж., Роша, Л., Мазовська, С., & Станішенський, Д. (2024). CHINCHILLAS: FEATURES OF MORPHOLOGY AND ANALYSIS OF MORDABILITY WHEN KEEPING AT HOME. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (110), 65-70.