Prevalence of dysfunctions of the reproductive system in bitches depending on age, size, housing conditions and season


  • V. Kyrychenko



infertility in bitches, age, method of keeping, season of the year, pyometra, acyclia.


The article presents the data of the study, which is devoted to the distribution of dysfunctions of the reproductive system in bitches and their dependence on age, size, method of keeping and season of the year in the conditions of Odesa. The study included dogs that, based on anamnestic data and ultrasound diagnostics, had dysfunctions of the reproductive system. According to the results of the research, the dependence of the percentage of the dysfunctions’ spread depending on age has been established. So, in bitches under 2 years of age, only in 12.2% cases was diagnosed infertility, against 39.0% - in mature age and 48.8% - in older age (after 6 years old). The most pronounced criterion for the manifestation of dysfunction of the reproductive system (which shows a high degree of dependence and, probably, prognosticity) are the age and size of the animals, as well as the way they are kept.

Author Biography

V. Kyrychenko

Odessa State Agrarian University


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How to Cite

Кириченко, В. (2023). Prevalence of dysfunctions of the reproductive system in bitches depending on age, size, housing conditions and season. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (109), 110-116.