
  • V. Maslov
  • V. Lymar
  • V. Ivanov
  • T. Konks



pig complex, elevator, reconstruction, modernization, grain, fodder, feed mill, equipment, compound feed, production, cost price.


The article analyzes the production experience of the pig complex LLC «Agroprime Holding» of the Odessa region and proposes a number of technological solutions for the modernization of the feed preparation line.
The purpose of the research was to investigate the technology of grain storage and production of fodder and pig complex of LLC «Agroprime Holding», to identify problematic issues and to determine ways to improve the efficiency of the compound feed plant.
The method of research is the method of theoretical generalization and monographic analysis of studies on a problematic issue.
In order to provide the pig complex with high-quality fodder and, accordingly, to reduce the cost of pork production, we have proposed a reconstruction of the fodder production process. For this purpose, we have proposed several stages of modernization of the feed mill. at the first stage, we suggested dividing the dosage of the grain group and protein-vitamin supplements; at the second stage, in order to increase productivity and create conditions for the uniform operation of crushers, additional bunkers for crushed grain raw materials were included in the technological scheme of the compound feed shop; at the third stage, crushed grain raw materials are dosed on additional scales and loaded into the hopper above the mixer; at the fourth stage, simultaneously with the dosing of the grain group, the protein-mineral group is dosed into new hopper scales, which are installed under the meal hoppers in order to increase the dosing accuracy; at the fifth stage, the existing hopper scales installed above the mixer will be used as a hopper and will not be involved in the dosing process; at the sixth stage, in order to reduce the length of dosing screws for premixes, it is proposed to move the premix hopper to the meal hopper.
It was established that the complex of organizational and technological works contributed to the increase in the production of products of the pig complex and to the reduction of its cost price.

Author Biographies

V. Maslov

ТОВ «Агропрайм Холдинг» Одеської області

V. Lymar

ТОВ «Агропрайм Холдинг» Одеської області

V. Ivanov

Інститут свинарства і агропромислового виробництва НААН

T. Konks

Інститут свинарства і агропромислового виробництва НААН


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How to Cite

Маслов, В., Лимар, В., Іванов, В., & Конкс, Т. (2023). TECHNOLOGY OF STORAGE OF GRAIN AND PRODUCTION OF FEED AND PIG COMPLEX AGROPRIME HOLDING LLC. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (109), 37-46.