
  • N. Surmilenko Odesa State Agrarian University
  • A. Ostrovska Odesa State Agrarian University
  • S. Mazovska Odesa State Agrarian University
  • Zh. Koreneva Odesa State Agrarian University



Ascaridosis, pigs, Ascaris sum


Ascaridosis of pigs (Ascaridozis) is a helminthic disease of animals and human, which is characterized by chronic motion. A disease is widespread enough and meets in the entire countries of the world where industry of the pig breeding is developed. The presence of Ascaris suum in the body of pigs negatively affects their growth and development, which is due to the development of local inflammation in the lungs, intestines and liver, and also by a competition for nutritives. Diagnostics of early displays of ascaridosis of pigs is complicated as the symptoms of disease can be only founding for suspicion of disease. That is why in productive terms the ascaridosis of pigs, in most cases, remains unrecognized. Larvae are more pathogenic than sexually mature parasites, which is due to their mechanical action, the destruction of tissues during their migration, and the introduction of secondary microflora into the body. Sensitization of the body of pigs occurs by metabolic products of migrating larvae, which contributes to allergies. The considerable becoming thin registers in the organism of sick animals, that it contingently distortion of exchange processes, parafunction of digestive channel and suction ability of bowels, and also dystrophic changes in parenchymal organs.


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How to Cite

Сурміленко, Н., Островська A., Мазовська C., & Коренєва, Ж. (2023). ASCARIDOSIS OF PIGS : ETIOLOGY , PATHOGENY ,CLINIC , DIAGNOSTICS , OPHYLAXIS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (108).