The influence of organic acids on the improvement of microbiological parameters of goat cheeses.


  • T. Ryzhkova State Biotechnological University
  • I. Heida State Biotechnological University



goat milk, physical and chemical indicators of milk, sourdough microflora, organic acids


This article is based on the results of research aimed at improving the microbiological indicators of recent samples of goat milk milk, under the injection of optimal doses of two types (ascorbic acid and citric acid). i) organic acids.

It has been established that with optimal doses of citric and ascorbic acids in a quantity of 0.01-0.02 wt.,%, there is a greater mass fraction of fat in the samples of the two more than the last batches of the syrup, pores taken from the control, by 1.1 and by 1.3%,.

This means an increase in the thickness of the clots, which is followed by a decrease in the consumption of the mass fraction of fat in the syrup from under the syrup, 0.15% in the skin. There was an increase in titrated acidity not only in the syrup, apparently at - 2 oT and 1.5 oT, compared with the control. And also in the product expressions selected from both last batches of the finished product, apparently, at 6 and 4 oT. However, this increase in titrated acidity was insignificant, as it did not contribute to the appearance of sour relish in them. Thus, the loss of organoleptic characteristics in both previous batches of the product was not prevented.

Thermal processing of goat milk produced a change in the number of third-party microflora: a number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (QMAFAnM) and enterobacteria, type 3.9 ta 2.1 times.

Under the infusion of ascorbic and citric organic acids, the strength of MAFANM in the samples from the last batches (last - 1 and last - 2) of the product was equal to similar indicators in the samples from wars from the control batch of siru, significantly changed by 2.16 x 10 8 and 1 .26 x10 8 KUO/g (P ≤ 0.001).

Thus, the number of enterobacteria changed, apparently, by 0.59 • 108 and by 0.82 • 108 KUO/1g, or by 1.3 (P≤0.05) and by 1.6 times (P≤0.001).


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How to Cite

Рижкова T., & Гейда I. (2023). The influence of organic acids on the improvement of microbiological parameters of goat cheeses. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (108).