
  • М. Skrypka Odesa State Agrarian University
  • Yu. Boyko Odesa State Agrarian University
  • І. Zapeka Odesa State Agrarian University




domestic cat, spinal cord, pathology, mechanical injury


Pathologies of the spinal cord are a challenge often faced by veterinary practitioners. Cases of severe injuries to the spinal cord, especially the cervical region, can also be the cause of the subsequent death of the animal. During the pathomorphological examination, there are sometimes significant difficulties in establishing pathogenetic links between the initial lesion and the final consequences that led to death. This work is dedicated to this issue.

The data were obtained by means of a pathological autopsy of a sphynx cat with mechanical injuries of the spinal cord.

It was determined that damage to the vertebral and paravertebral parts of the autonomic nervous system led to significant hemodynamic disorders. This is due to a violation of the tone of the vessels of the chest cavity, as well as disorders in the operation of the heart pump. Factors contributing to the indicated hemodynamic disorders are the unsatisfactory condition of the heart muscle (obesity). Catecholamine overload should be noted separately, as a consequence of the body's stress reaction to mechanical damage.

Any lesions of the spinal cord can be not only the cause of the following motor disorders, but there are also more dangerous visceral pathologies, which should be paid special attention during the post-mortem examination.


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How to Cite

Скрипка, М., Бойко, Ю., & Запека, . І. (2023). ON THE PATHOGENESIS AND PATHOMORPHOLOGY OF SPINAL CORD INJURIES BY A SPINAL OBJECT OF A DOMESTIC CAT. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (108). https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2023.108.06