
  • N. Kirovych Odesa State Agrarian University
  • A. Kitaeva Odesa State Agrarian University
  • I. Riznychuk Odesa State Agrarian University
  • I. Panikar Odesa State Agrarian University
  • R. Susol Odesa State Agrarian University



pigs, Pietrene breed, genotype, DNA markers, RYR-1, MC4R, reproductive capacity


The article presents a study on the polymorphism of the ryanodine receptor (RYR-1) and MC4R gene loci in French Pietrene pigs and their relationship with reproductive traits. It is worth noting that the candidate gene for animal stress sensitivity (RYR-1) and the candidate gene for pig typing for selection for reducing the thickness of the bacon and improving meat conditions (MC4R) are not responsible for the reproductive ability of pigs. At the same time, taking into account the belonging of repair pigs as carriers of a particular genotype for the RYR-1 and MС4R genes in the formation of a breeding herd of Pietrén pigs is a necessary and effective measure, It increases the number of favourable farrowing events (low level of emergency farrowing, increased fertility) in a given population, which, accordingly, increases key reproductive traits such as fertility, number of young animals and average live weight of the nest at 28 days of weaning. In such a targeted selection, preference should be given to repair pigs that are direct carriers of the heterozygous genotype AGNn, GGNn for the corresponding genes MС4R and RYR-1. In the formation of parental pairs to obtain a high level of productivity in terms of reproductive traits (multiplicity of more than 8.00 heads), sire boars can be carriers of the homozygous genotype GGnn for the genes MС4R and RYR-1, which in turn contribute to the production of offspring with an increased level of meat productivity. To increase the reproductive capacity of Pitren pigs, it is necessary to select replacement pigs taking into account the polymorphism for the RYR-1 and MS4R genes.


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How to Cite

Кірович, Н., Китаєва A., Різничук I., Панікар I., & Сусол, Р. (2023). PRODUCTIVITY OF PITREN PIGS DEPENDING ON ALLELIC VARIANTS OF RYR-1 AND MC4R GENES. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (107).