
  • I. Riznychuk Odesa State Agrarian University
  • I. Nikolenko Odesa State Agrarian University
  • O. Kyshlaly Odesa State Agrarian University
  • K. Mazhylovska Odesa State Agrarian University
  • A. Harbar Odesa State Agrarian University



dairy cows, compound fodder-concentrates, milk yield


It is noted that at the current stage of the development of dairy farming, the current system of feeding cows does not fully meet the requirements of intensive milk production and requires significant improvement, taking into account modern approaches to the organization of standardized feeding and use of fodder.

In accordance with previously conducted studies, it was established that the feeding ration of dairy cows with a daily milk yield is 10 kg with a standard fat and protein content, which includes the maximum amount of bulk feed and the necessary rate of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium mineral additives. is basic when using domestic norms of feeding adult cows with a live weight of 500-700 kg.

The purpose of the study was to develop a program for feeding cows according to the periods of the production cycle.

Taking into account the physiological state of the animals and their ability to use feed most efficiently, feeding cows during the production cycle is divided into the following periods: feeding of newborn cows, feeding of cows in the first period of lactation, feeding of cows in the second period of lactation, feeding of cows in the third period of lactation, feeding dry cows, which are divided into two phases: 60-11 days, 10-1 days.

In accordance with the program for feeding cows by periods of the production cycle, a system of feeding concentrated fodder is proposed, in which the entire herd of dairy cows receives 2 kg of compound fodder-concentrate in the morning and in the evening after milking and the maximum consumption of bulk fodder.

Lactating cows with a daily milk yield of 22 kg are additionally fed 2 kg of compound fodder concentrate between the morning and evening feedings, and with a daily milk yield of 26 kg - 4 kg of compound fodder concentrate. The most productive dairy cows with a daily milk yield of 30 kg or more additionally receive 6 kg of compound feed concentrate


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How to Cite

Різничук I., Ніколенко I., Кишлали O., Мажиловська K., & Гарбар A. (2023). COW FEEDING PROGRAM BY PERIODS OF THE PRODUCTION CYCLE. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (107).