Odesa region, natural reserve fundAbstract
Nature protection and rational use of its resources is the main question in the development of Ukraine. The basis Ukraine`s economy are natural resources that ensure the livelihoods of each of its inhabitants. Therefore, the rational use of all natural resources, their economical use and renewal is the main task of our time. The problem of the Odesa region is the conservation and protection of biodiversity. Today, the main threats to the preservation of the diversity of the region are related to: air and water pollution; acceleration of soil erosion processes; distribution of agricultural land; uncontrolled development of territories. Environmental safety includes the rational use and renewal of natural resources, the preservation and expansion of the territories of the natural reserve fund.
The natural reserve fund of the Odesa region consists of 125 objects, of which the largest in terms of area and biodiversity are the Danube Biosphere Reserve, the Lower Dniester National Natural Park, the Tuzlovsky Limany National Natural Park and the Tiligulsky Regional Landscape Park. The largest percentage in the structure of the region is occupied by landscape reserves (13.1%) and botanical reserves (3.8%). Also in the region there are reserves: ornithological (0.49%), general zoological (0.3%), entomological (0.02%) and forest (0.005%). The rich Odessa region is also rich in: natural monuments (50 objects or 0.01% in the structure of the NRF), including: botanical (42 objects or 0.009%), hydrological (6 objects or 0.0003%), geological (2 objects or 0.003%). Not all objects and territories of the natural reserve fund have the appropriate regulatory provisions, where the requirements for the regime of use, protection and protection of these territories would be legally fixed. The legislation does not fully establish either the procedure for protecting the territories of the natural reserve fund, or the nature of permissible activities on them.
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Міністерство захисту довкілля та природних ресурсів України
Екологічна безпека та захист довкілля – пріоритет держави.
Регіональна доповідь про стан навколишнього природного середовища в Одеській області у 2020 році
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