
  • R. Dubin Odesa State Agrarian University
  • P. Sharandak National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine



broiler chickens, probiotics, Alterion


The article presents morphological criteria for assessing the quality of broiler chicken carcasses at different age stages of the early post-embryonic ontogenesis of the Ros-308 cross, based on indicators of live weight, carcass weight and their morphological composition. The inclusion of the Alterion probiotic in the diet of broilers helps to increase the meat productivity of poultry. With the intensive technology of growing chickens in conditions of hypokinesia, up to the 42nd day of early post-embryonic ontogenesis in individuals of both the control and experimental groups, a violation of the structural organization of muscle tissue in the form of thickening of the endomysium and accumulation of interfibrous fluid with vaku individual individuals and local infiltration of the perivascular space by immunocompetent cells (leukocytes, phagocytes). According to microbiological and toxicological indicators, the meat obtained from the carcasses of broiler chickens, in the diet of which the feed additive Alterion was used, meets the safety requirements.


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How to Cite

Дубін, Р., Івлева, О., & Шарандак, П. (2023). MORPHOLOGICAL AND MORPHOMETRIC EVALUATION CRITERIA OF BROILER CHICKS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (107).