trauma, stress, shock, membranes of the heart, aorta, myocardiumAbstract
With mechanical damage to the membranes of the heart with a stabbing object, the death of the animal was long overdue and occurred due to a violation of the contractile function of the myocardium during infiltration of the wall of the right ventricle with blood. Soft tissue injuries of the body from bites by another animal and blunt force trauma to the abdomen were not fatal.
The psycho-emotional arousal of the animal as a result of panic fear of such a natural phenomenon as a thunderstorm coincided in time with the animal receiving light bodily injuries. Stress on the background of multiple organ failure (melanosarcoma with metastases, helminths Dirofilaria immitis in the right ventricle of the heart) led to heart failure and death of the animal.
In the case of hemorrhagic infarction, with psycho-emotional stress and pain in a terrier dog, numerous injuries caused by the teeth of another animal led to the development of neurogenic shock and hemorrhagic infarction. Diffuse venous hyperemia of the kidneys (shock kidney), hyperemia and pulmonary edema (shock lungs) testify in favor of the development of pain (neurogenic) shock.
The cause of the rupture of the aortic arch followed by cardiac tamponade was arterial hypertension against the background of psycho-emotional and pain stress experienced by the animal. The background disease that played a decisive role in the rupture of the aortic wall was amyloidosis of the vessel wall. The injuries did not threaten the life of the animal and were not fatal.
During the pathoanatomical examination of the corpse of a stray dog, it was found that numerous injuries (compression, stretching) of soft tissues in the neck, thoracic and pelvic limbs, right and left inguinal parts of the body are the result of bites from another animal. In the region of the neck, chest (ventral area) there are mechanical injuries (hit vertically) of the soft tissues with a prickly object, up to 0.3 mm in diameter, similar to a knitting needle. One of the injuries led to a violation of the integrity of the pericardium and epicardium in the area of the right ventricle and, as a result, bleeding with infiltration of the myocardium and endocardium of the right ventricle of the heart with blood; the other - to a violation of the integrity of the pulmonary pleura of the cardiac fate of the lungs, hemorrhages in the tissue of this area.
Mechanical injury (contusion) to the animal with a blunt object similar to a rake was applied vertically in the abdomen from top to bottom, while the animal was in a supine position. The injury on the right side of the body was inflicted by the same object, but at an angle, which led to the violation of the integrity of the soft tissues by the sharp elements of the tool. Hyperemia and hemorrhages on the serous membranes of the intestines, liver, pancreas, bladder are the result of mechanical injuries inflicted by a blunt object in the ventral abdomen. Traumatization of the right kidney with penetrating mechanical damage to the integrity of the abdominal wall led to subcapsular hemorrhage.
The identified injuries were of a pronounced painful nature and entailed the physical suffering of the animal before death. The animal has signs of neurogenic shock: diffuse venous hyperemia of the kidneys and bladder walls (shock kidney), hyperemia of both upper and lower respiratory tract, hyperemia and pulmonary edema (shock lungs). The death of a domestic dog occurred as a result of heart paralysis due to mechanical damage to the integrity of the membranes of the heart.
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