epizootic situation, animal diphyllobothriasis, infectious animal disease, southern region of UkraineAbstract
The article discusses the features of the development and course of diphyllobothriasis - a parasitic infectious disease - chronic helminthiasis caused by cestodes of the genus Diphyllobothrium, in most cases the stitch is wide. To monitor the epizootic situation, the southern region of Ukraine, which has the most extensive system of reservoirs, was chosen. The key methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diphyllobothriasis in animals are analyzed.
The high content of harmful substances in the atmosphere, surface and ground waters and soils is the reason for a significant decrease in the resistance of animals to pathogens, the virulence of parasites increases and the circle of their hosts expands.
Significant economic losses are caused by parasitic diseases of animals, which consist in a reduction in the volume of production due to inhibition in the growth and development of animals, a significant decrease in productivity, a shortage of livestock products, picky culling of products, because their quality is declining, the death of seriously ill animals, and also, which is no small matter, costs for the purchase of antiparasitic agents.
Diphyllobothriasis is a natural focal disease. The occurrence of its foci is directly dependent on the presence of areas with freshwater reservoirs rich in zooplankton, which means copepods and certain types of fish.
Spring and early summer are the most suitable seasons for the development of larvae in Cyclops. Late autumn and winter, when falling temperatures are not favorable conditions.
To analyze the situation in this work, the southern region of Ukraine was taken, namely Odesa, Kherson, Mykolaiv and partially Kharkiv regions, which have the most extended system of reservoirs.
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