



nutria, crossbreeding, slaughter yield, slaughter weight, mass of fur raw material, area of fur


Interbreeding in nutria makes it possible, with a sufficient fodder base, due to the effect of heterosis, to increase the level of productive traits, including live weight, slaughter yield in a crossbreed with simultaneous obtaining of excellent quality fur raw materials. The use of this technological measure makes it possible to change the color of the fur. The peculiarities of crossbreeding with the use of breeders of white Italian nutria on queens of a standard typical (dark brown) color are outlined, which makes it possible to obtain young animals for fattening for meat, as well as raw fur. silver colored materials. The live weight of female nutria is 5.9 ± 0.25 kg with an average fertility of 7.2 young heads per 1 productive female. Male nutria of the standard type have an average live weight of 15.2% more than females of this type, and the average live weight of the white Italian breed is 6.6 kg, which is 11.8% more than the weight of females of the original breed. At the same time, the survival rate of young at weaning is on average 96-97% for both purebreds and crossbreds. Young nutria of standard color have 5.3% more live weight compared to local peers. The coefficient of the intensity of the accumulation of live mass in the experimental young is at the level of 2.7. The carcass weight of purebred young animals is higher by 6.7% compared to peers, and the slaughter yield, respectively, by 0.7%. It was established that the average weight of the skin obtained from one head of young nutria of the standard color is 214.6 g, of the silver type - 195.0 g, which is 9.8% less compared to the standard. The area of raw fur of a standard nutria is 4.35% larger than the area of silver fur. To increase the economic efficiency of nutria production, it is necessary to increase the number of nutria, as they are a source of dietary meat and valuable fur raw materials. Breeding of standard nutria, which are distinguished by excellent fertility and preservation of young, makes it possible to crossbreed to obtain fur raw materials of a silver type of color, which is in great demand among consumers in its natural form, without dyeing and tinting.


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How to Cite

Похил, В., & Миколайчук, Л. (2023). FEATURES OF INTERBREED CROSSING IN NUTRIA. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (107). https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2023.107.11