
  • I. Riznychuk Odesa State Agrarian University
  • O. Bezaltychna Odesa State Agrarian University
  • A. Harbar Odesa State Agrarian University




protein, protein nutrition, amino acids, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, quail, compound feed, premix


It is noted that protein nutrition of quails is determined by the need for crude protein and essential amino acids, necessary for maintaining vital activity and production. The need for protein and amino acids of young quails depends on age, live weight and average daily growth, adult quails - on egg productivity, egg weight and amino acid composition of egg protein.

The amino acid composition of the feed should correspond to the quail's need for essential amino acids, since both a lack and an excess of some of them, as well as an excess of protein in general, negatively affect their productivity.

The amount of protein, its quality or biological value, which is determined by the content of essential or critical amino acids, plays a decisive role in the productivity of poultry.

The topic of the choice of research topics is the relevance of the problem of quail protein nutrition.

The purpose of the study is to study the influence of the concentration of lysine and the ratio of essential amino acids in the composition of the diet feed on the productive qualities of quails.

The main parameters for determining the productive qualities of repair young quails and broiler quails are the change in live weight and the efficiency of feed use, adult quails – the number of eggs, their weight and composition, the cost of compound feed for the production of 10 eggs

Currently, work is being carried out on the organization and conduct of experimental research on 1-4-week-old repair young quails, 5-6-week-old repair young quails and adult quails.


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How to Cite

Різничук, І., Безалтична, О., & Гарбар, А. (2022). FEATURES OF PROTEIN NUTRITION OF QUAIL. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (104). https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2022.104.12