
  • Zh. Koreneva Odesa State Agrarian University
  • L. Rosha Odesa State Agrarian University
  • I. Zapeka Odesa State Agrarian University
  • J. Mazurenko Odesa State Agrarian University
  • J. Garnazhenko Odesa State Agrarian University
  • I. Shovkoplyas Odesa State Agrarian University



cattle, pigs, placenta, calves, piglets


The placenta is a complex of tissue formations that develop from the choroid of the fetus and the uterine mucosa. The placenta is necessary for the connection of the fetus with the mother's body. The placenta plays an important role in the development of the fetus. The placenta is an organ that provides the fetus with oxygen and all nutrients; it processes the nutrients of the mother's body (hemoglobin, proteins, carbohydrates) and synthesizes new ones; provide immune protection to the fetus. Biologically active substances are synthesized in the placenta, which have a great influence on the course of pregnancy, the development of the fetus, and later on the development of the newborn. The placenta in each species of animal has its own specific features: firstly, it is the shape and size of the contact areas of the vascular membrane of the embryo with the tissues of the uterus of the female; secondly, the level of branching of the vascular membrane of the embryo in the tissues of the uterus and its penetration into the surrounding tissues of the uterus.

 During pregnancy, the uterus significantly increases its size and weight, according to experts, such an increase is in the range of 10-20 times. The placenta is the main organ, thanks to which the embryo receives nutrients for further growth and development, and also receives protection from environmental factors. The degree of development of the newborn young and the ability to adapt to the external environment also depend on the mass and development of the placenta. On average, in cows 6-8 years old and a calf weighing 27-30 kg, the weight of the placenta is 18.20 ± 2.10 kg, which is 22% more than at the age of 3-6 years, and the number of cotyledons also increases by 20%.

The mass of the placenta in large white pigs increases gradually with the age of the animal and reaches its maximum mass at 2-3 farrowings. Gradually, up to 5-6 farrowing, its weight decreases, which has a negative impact on the number of litters and the development of piglets. Changes in the weight of the placenta may be associated with the gradual extinction of the influence of hormonal regulation on the level of metabolism, the action of stress factors and in connection with previous diseases.


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How to Cite

Коренєва, Ж., Роша, Л., Запека, І., Мазуренко, Ю., Гарнаженко, Ю., & Шовкопляс, І. (2022). INFLUENCE OF MORPHOMETRIC INDICATORS OF THE PLACENTA OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS ON NEWBORN YOUNG. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (104).