
  • M. Kambur Sumy National Agrarian University
  • A. Zamaziy Poltava State Agrarian University
  • O. Sklyar Sumy National Agrarian University
  • O. Nechiporenko Sumy National Agrarian University




hemostasis, milk, adsorption, mammary gland, cow


The results of the conducted studies show that the secretory function of the mammary gland tissues of cows was most significant in cows with high productivity. The total fraction of phospholipids in the mammary gland tissue of cows of the third group and for months of lactation was used, on average, -26.21±0.95 counts. In animals of the first and second groups, this indicator was 1.84-1.43 times less than in cows of the third group. Mammary gland tissues of cows of the first group absorbed NEFA at the level of 5.98±0.72 mmol/l, on average. In animals of the second and third groups of creatures, this indicator was at the level of 6.26±0.86 mmol/l. This is an indicator of the higher utilization of the deposited energy by the cows of the last two groups. During the period of intensive lactation, the degree of VFA by the mammary gland tissues of the first group was 0.45±0.016 mmol/l, and the degree of utilization of VFA by the mammary gland was 42.67%. The average content of VFAs in the blood flowing to the mammary gland was 1.10±0.016 mmol/l during the study period. A similar dynamics of changes was also established in terms of the content of VFAs in the blood flowing from the mammary gland. The highest indicator of AV difference in VFA was found by us at the end of the sixth month of lactation. It was 0.52±0.022 mmol/l, and the degree of VFA utilization by the mammary gland was 35.44%. Depending on productivity, the rheology of blood in animals changes significantly. Under such conditions, the viscosity of the blood of animals, the content of fibrinogen increases. The data in the article indicate that an increase in blood viscosity, a decrease in its flow rate, especially through the vessels of the capillary system, can be the cause of a violation of the conditions for the growth and development of the fetus and the birth of animals with low viability.


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How to Cite

Камбур, М., Замазій, А., Скляр, О., & Нечипоренко, О. (2022). HEMOSTASIS AND SECRETORY FUNCTION OF COW BREAST TISSUE. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (102-103). https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2022.102.22