
  • L. Strojanovska Podillia State University
  • T. Suprovych Podillia State University



somatic count cells, mastitis, BoLA-DRB3 gene, alleles


The results of research of BOLA-DRB3 gene alleles, which have association with somatic milk cells and can serve as DNA markers of the physiological condition of the udder in cows, are presented. The allele spectrum of the gene BOLA-DRB3 was studied with the help of PCR-RFLP. To establish the connection between somatic milk cells and allele frequencies, the relative risk indicator and the χ2 test were used. In total, 7 alleles with a significant share in the sample, i.e. their share exceeds 5% of the total volume, were found. The most common was BOLA-DRB3.2*24 c R(A) = 0.181. The repertoire of the most common alleys is characteristic of the Holstein breed. Relative risk weight associations were found in 9 alleys, 5 of which indicate a connection with low SCC levels (*04, *07, *11, *28, *48) and 4 with high somatic cell content (*10, *12, *23 and *51). Among the identified variants, only the BOLA-DRB3*22 allele had a reliable association according to the criterion χ2. It also survives the test χ2min for a limited sample size, which allows it to be recommended as a DNA marker.


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How to Cite

Строяновська, Л., & Супрович, Т. (2022). ESTABLISHMENT OF LINKS BETWEEN MILK SOMATIC CELLS AND DNA MARKERS IN COWS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (102-103).