microclimate, harmful gases, ozone-air mixture, optimal parameters, processing, experimentAbstract
The basis of food security of our state is the increase of livestock products. One of the ways to solve this problem is to improve the living conditions of animals, including the microclimate of livestock facilities. Providing the necessary microclimate in livestock facilities is one of the most important conditions for effective livestock management. in order for even animals to fully realize their genetic potential, they need to create appropriate housing conditions.
Modern animal husbandry technologies place high demands on the microclimate in livestock facilities. Deviation of microclimate parameters from the established optimal limits leads to losses caused by diseases and deaths of animals.
Mathematical processing of the obtained data yielded a regression formula that adequately describes the conditions of treatment of indoor air with ozone-air mixture.
Studies have shown that the results of calculations of the obtained data allowed to determine the optimal parameters of indoor air treatment with ozone-air mixture, namely: ozone concentration in OPS-0.5 mg / m3; processing time - around the clock; OPS costs - 0.05 l / min.
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