organic production, organic feeds, feed materials, feed additives, feed mixtures, organic raw materials, ingredientsAbstract
It is noted that the production of organic feed is the main technological process of organic production of livestock products.
The production of organic feed should be applied on the basis of good manufacturing practice, based on the principles of the system of hazard analysis and control at critical points (HACCP).
Feed production is carried out from organic raw materials; feed materials used in organic production cannot be treated with synthetic solvents; it is necessary to minimize the use of feed additives and auxiliaries, the use of mainly biological, mechanical and physical methods of production; the content in the feed of not more than one ingredient of agricultural origin produced during the transition period; keeping records and documenting all technological processes for feed production; take the necessary measures to ensure the identification and traceability of each batch of feed and to prevent mixing or substitution of inorganic feed materials.
At present, work is underway to develop a system of standardized organic feeding of animals of different species and groups of industrial purposes, in compliance with detailed rules of organic animal husbandry.
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