
  • В. Slyusarenko Odesa State Agrarian University
  • Zh. Koreneva Odesa State Agrarian University
  • A. Golovanova Odesa State Agrarian University
  • J. Mazurenko Odesa State Agrarian University
  • A. Ostrovskaya Odesa State Agrarian University



amphibians, Odshchina


The amphibian fauna of Ukraine numbers 20 species. European and Central European amphibian species prevail on the territory of Ukraine, accounting for about 60% of the total number of species.

The list of amphibians in the Odessa region includes 12 species. All amphibians are useful for humans: they reduce the number of insects (bloodsuckers) that carry dangerous diseases of humans and animals. The food rations of amphibians up to 90% consist of mosquitoes. Amphibians eat fish enemies (larvae of dragonflies, water beetles), therefore they are of great benefit to fish farms. Amphibians living on land destroy plant pests, and most importantly, they actively destroy insects that birds do not eat.

The list of amphibians in the Odessa region includes 12 species. The most numerous are representatives: Triturus dobrogicus, Pelophylax lessonae, Hyla arborea, Pelophylax kl. Esculentus, Pelophylax ridibundus.

Amphibians are animals that are extremely vulnerable to environmental change and pollution. Their existence is directly related to the presence of clean types of water bodies, which allows animals to reproduce. In addition, the cleanliness of the land is extremely important for amphibians, which are places of feeding, storage and wintering.

Most amphibians, after developing in the aquatic environment and leaving water bodies, can move inland by almost 500-2500 m and return to water bodies after puberty.

As a result of human activity in Ukraine and some European countries, the number of amphibians is rapidly decreasing, therefore, these animals are protected by law in most European countries. In our country, this is a spotted salamander, a fast frog, a cane toad, and newts, which are listed in the Red Book.


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How to Cite

Слюсаренко, Б., Коренєва, Ж., Голованова, А., Мазуренко, Ю., & Островська, А. (2022). MONITORING OF AMPHIBIANS OF THE ODESSA REGION IN MODERN ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (102-103).