
  • V. Chepurna Higher educational institution «Podillia State University»
  • V. Mizyk Higher educational institution «Podillia State University»




cows, subclinical mastitis, somatic cells, products of peripheral oxidation of lipids, system of antioxidant protection


The article presents the results of experimental research on the impact of complex liposomal preparation made on the basis of Hypericum perforatum L., on the level of products of peroxide oxidation of lipids and the state of the antioxidant protection system in cows suffering from subclinical mastitis.

Studies have shown that in the afflicted cows there is an increase in the intensity of LPO processes. Three time intercisternal administration of liposomal preparation to the afflicted cows leads to a decrease (P<0,01) in the plasma concentration of TBA-active products and lipid hydroperoxides ((7,17±0,25% vs. 8,62±0,16%), and accordingly (1,42±0,08% vs. 1,82±0,05%)). In this case, growth in glutathione peroxidase activity and increased level of restored glutathione in the blood of cows  has been observed.


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How to Cite

Чепурна, В., & Мізик, В. (2022). ВПЛИВ ЛІПОСОМАЛЬНОГО ПРЕПАРАТУ НА СИСТЕМУ АНТИОКСИДАНТНОГО ЗАХИСТУ ПРИ СУБКЛІНІЧНОМУ МАСТИТІ КОРІВ. Agrarian Bulletin of the Black Sea Littoral, (102-103). https://doi.org/10.37000/abbsl.2022.102.01